KDD 2008 Exhibitors

Microsoft adCenter Labs      SQL Server Data Mining      Yahoo
Oracle      SAS     Salford Systems
Morgan Kauffman/Elsevier     CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group

Morgan & Claypool     Springer     StatSoft

Call for Exhibits

Exhibiting at the conference offers opportunities to distribute product, service, and company literature, give demonstrations and carry out recruitment activities. Details are as follows:

  1. General (non-sponsoring) Exhibitors will be offered a booth (US$4200). Sponsors will be given priority in booth allocation over non-sponsoring, general exhibitors.
  2. For Non-profit research organizations and publishers, the price will be $1500. However, they will have lowest priority for booth allocation.
  3. Benefits for an Exhibitor
    • A booth based on the price above
    • One complimentary registration
    • Reduced exhibitor registration fee for all others manning the booth
    • One company logo on the conference web site ONLY (in the exhibitor section)
    • Ability to include a flyer or CD in conference bag for an additional fee of $400 per item
  4. Booth allocations will be made on July 1st. Every company who has signed up as a sponsor or a general exhibitor by that date will be allocated a booth using the following two rules:
    1. sponsors will be allocated a booth before general exhibitors, and
    2. ties will be broken on a first-come-first basis.

Companies signing up after July 1st as a sponsor or an exhibitor will be assigned booths from the remaining set of booths on a first come first basis.

A single booth space will be 10' x 10'. Each booth will have a table (6' x 30") and two chairs. Exhibitors will be responsible for bringing all hardware and software required for their exhibits. Some equipment (powerstrips, etc.) may be available for an additional charge.

For further details, please contact the KDD 2008 Exhibits Chair, Moninder Singh at moninder@us.ibm.com or +1 (914)-945-1973.